German cosmetics company finds faster, less costly way to commission new equipment
When Straub Cosmetics GmbH installed a new, more powerful general purpose drive on an agitator application, they had a new option for setting up the drive parameters. Previously, there were just two choices: phone support or an onsite service call. This time, ABB authorized partner Max Lamb GmbH & Co KG, provided a new option—an ABB smartphone app for remote technical support.
German cosmetics company finds faster, less costly way to commission new equipment
When Straub Cosmetics GmbH installed a new, more powerful general purpose drive on an agitator application, they had a new option for setting up the drive parameters. Previously, there were just two choices: phone support or an onsite service call. This time, ABB authorized partner Max Lamb GmbH & Co KG, provided a new option—an ABB smartphone app for remote technical support.
“Previously, we've had only two options in the event of service calls: contact by telephone or onsite servicing. For the former, the customer had to read out which parameter values were set in the old drive. That’s time-consuming, for both the customer and technical support. The customer then had to enter the parameter list manually. This approach can lead to mistakes if there is a misunderstanding over the phone.”
Andreas Dürr, electrical engineer, Max Lamb GmbH & Co KG